Demà anem de casament! Estic segura que ens ho passarem tant bé! M'encanta que ara alguns casaments no siguin tant protocol·laris com església/ajuntament i restaurant, sinó que la gent faci coses més personals i característiques de cada parella. En aquest cas els nostres amics ho celebren al jardí d'una tercera amiga, la Mireia, qui s'ha estat esforçant aquests dies per decorar-ho i preparar-ho perquè cada detall sigui perfecte i quedi una festa ben bonica! La resta d'amics hem col·laborat en un munt de sorpreses i detallets que crec que els hi encantaran!
Aquí deixo les fotografies d'un altre casament "personal" que a mi em sembla preciós!
Tomorrow we have a wedding! I’m sure that it's going to be a great party! I love the fact that some weddings now aren't such classic than before; just church or legal ceremony and eating in a regular restaurant. I prefer when people make their special day more personal. In this occasion , our friends celebrate their marriage in the backyard of another friend, Mireia, who has made such an effort to decorate her house and have everything ready for tomorrow. It's going to be a beautiful party! The rest of us have collaborated with a lot of surprises and details that I'm sure they'll love it ! Here you have the pics of another "personal" wedding that it seems to me precious!
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